9 Tips to Address Unwanted Cellulite

CelluliteAs summer is upon us, are you feeling ecstatic about pulling out your swimsuit, wearing tank tops and running to put on your shorts? Or are you reminded of unwanted cellulite and feel a sense of dread wearing any “skin-showing” clothing?

Our guess is that the latter resonates more.

So, let’s talk about cellulite…what it really is, how it is caused and most importantly, what to do about it.

 What is Cellulite?

Most people believe cellulite is fat. However, this is not completely accurate because fat is only a component of what causes cellulite. Instead, cellulite is “the result of the overlying skin structure combined with underlying fat cells protruding outwardly, while simultaneously the connective tissue, called septae, hold the skin in place causing a rippled, or orange peel appearance.”[1]

This image might help:[2]


What Causes Cellulite?

Some say that cellulite is more of a connective tissue issue, instead of a fat issue. However, we want to go a bit deeper and explain the various components that might be contributing to the issue.

  1. Connective Tissue and Lack of Collagen – Collagen is what makes connective tissue, protects the body and keeps it strong and is basically the “tough stuff that holds the body together.”[3] When production of collagen slows, whether from age, poor health, etc… the joints, bones, muscles and cartilage weaken. Therefore, the connective tissue is not very pliable and leaves a “rippling” appearance.
  2. Connective Tissue and Age – The role of connective tissue is to connect the skin layer to the underlying tissue. As a person ages, this tissue begins to harden and pull away from the skin on the inside. This “pull” leaves a “rippling” appearance because the connective tissue lacks flexibly. It is also important to note that women tend to “pull away” in a more perpendicular structure. Men tend to “pull away” in a 45º angle. This is the reason that the “rippling” is more prominent in women.
  3. Hormonal Changes – As a person ages, their metabolic rate decreases. Therefore, they burn fewer calories leading to more fat pressing up against the connective tissue.
  4. Lifestyle Choices – Do you drink? Do you smoke? Are you addicted to sugar or eat a lot of highly processed foods? How often do you exercise? Do you spend time toning your muscles? The answer to all of these questions plays a role. For example, “ingesting high sugar foods or processed fats like vegetable oils – even using many cosmetics – contributes to poor circulation and clogs pores that we need to release toxins we accumulate on a daily basis.”[4]
  5. Stress – While easily ignored or overlooked, stress can do serious damage on a body, especially as a person ages. In fact, unaddressed stress weakens the body. It can also do physical damage, such as to the heart and can cause premature aging.
  6. Genetics – Did your mom or grandmother have cellulite problems? This answer will give you an idea of what to expect for yourself and hopefully motivate you to make lifestyle changes.

What to Do About Cellulite?

Now, let’s address the question that everyone is more interested in…

  1. Have your hormone levels regularly tested to understand if you need to work on hormone balancing.
  2. Maintain a nutrient-dense, whole food diet lifestyle to encourage strong connective tissue. Consume foods such as bone broth, raw and cultured milk dairy products, properly prepared nuts, raw oysters or wild caught fish. Include plenty of Vitamin C and P sources. This can come from red peppers, paprika, mushrooms, berries, apples and citrus fruits such as lemon, ginger root and grapefruit. Finally, take apple cider vinegar with every meal to encourage the production of pepsin and healthy digestive enzymes. To learn more about the Weston A. Price dietary guidelines, click here.
  3. In addition to following the Wise Traditions Diet, food concentrates such as Cyruta Plus and Cataplex C are highly supportive in restoring the integrity of connective tissue. This will in eliminating cellulite. Our office is happy to provide you with instructions for how to add these to your daily routine.
  4. Consistently dry brush. This will encourage the lymphatic system to increase circulation, rid the body of all toxins and ultimately minimize cellulite. For instructions and to learn more about dry brushing, click here for our specific directions, and click here to read further the information that Kim Schuette shared with the readers at WAPF.
  5. Consistently rebound to also encourage the lymphatic system to flush toxins from the body, reduce joint discomfort and increase physical strength. To learn more about rebounding and for a rebounding workout, click here and here.
  6. Regularly enjoy a deep tissue or lymphatic massage. This will accelerate drainage of toxins and waste buildup within the body.
  7. Implement plenty of healthy activities throughout the day, such as exercise, muscle toning, outdoor activities or any sort of movement. Remove unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking or drinking.
  8. Begin using the FasciaBlaster. This is a tool designed specifically to work on connective tissue. It opens the deeper layers of fascia and breaks up fascial adhesions. It is also great for “pain reduction, improved flexibility, joint function, circulation, muscle definition and performance, nerve activity and posture.” You can find it here.
  9. To address your specific needs or to begin implementing a supplemental protocol to accelerate cellulite reduction, contact our office. We will be happy to schedule an appointment with one our nutritionists. In fact, if you are new client and would like to make an appointment, be sure to take advantage of the following offer:

cellulite consult


In Conclusion…The Good News!

Aside from cellulite being an annoyance, it isn’t life threatening! Yes, it can be a red flag to deeper issues that need to be addressed, such as lacking foundational nutrients that are needed to keep from “falling apart at the seams,” but there is no present danger that cannot be addressed, supported and resolved![5]



[1] Hiskey, Scott. Is Cellulite Different From Regular Fat. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/07/is-cellulite-different-from-regular-fat/

[2] Hiskey, Scott. Is Cellulite Different From Regular Fat. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/07/is-cellulite-different-from-regular-fat/

[3] Atwood, Maria. Help! My Body is Getting Flabby. https://www.seleneriverpress.com/help-my-body-is-getting-flabby/

[4] Atwood, Maria. Help! My Body is Getting Flabby. https://www.seleneriverpress.com/help-my-body-is-getting-flabby/

[5] Widish, Paula. Answers to Your Questions About Cellulite. https://www.seleneriverpress.com/answers-questions-cellulite/


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