Tag Archives: gut disorders
Glyphosate is Not Selective in What it Kills
Glyphosate is the active chemical found in the toxic weed killer, Roundup herbicide. Ever since its introduction in 1976, it has been the consistent “go-to” when spraying genetically modified crops, fields, home gardens and even grassy areas in public spaces, such as public parks or roadsides. Unfortunately, glyphosate is associated with some serious concerns because … Learn More
Tagged autism, cancer, chemical, glyphosate, gmo, gut, gut disorders, gut flora, herbicide, roundup, toxic, weed killer
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Instructions for Preparing Grains
Pulses have been a part of the human diet for thousands of years. One trait of a healthy diet is that when grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are included they are properly prepared. The ancients understood that in order to properly digest and fully utilize the nutrients contained in the pulses, special care and time … Learn More