Tag Archives: sleep
Lifestyle Considerations to Improve Your Health: Daily Habits
Welcome to part 1 of our Lifestyle Considerations Series! To help you improve your overall health, we’ll offer some specific changes you can make to your daily habits, your home and all of your cleaning and personal care products. Please know that these recommendations should be taken on slowly so as not to be too … Learn More
13 Tips for Flu Support
Your own strong immune system is your best ally and defense in the face of a flu epidemic. So, we want to give you our best recommendations for maintaining a strong defense, particularly during this season when the flu is more prevalent. Please note: When asked for just two support products, Congaplex and cod liver … Learn More
Sleep – Now What?
If you’ve been following our articles for the past couple of months, you understand the importance of sleep. And if you have trouble getting to sleep, you understand why melatonin isn’t your best option. This last installment in our sleep series is designed to help you understand why you may be having trouble with sleep … Learn More
Tagged adrenal, blood sugar, electronic, hormonal imbalance, hormone, melatonin, sleep, stress
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Melatonin – Misused & Misunderstood
Last month we talked about the relationship of sleep to cortisol. This month is about the “sleep hormone” melatonin, which is produced by the brain during sleep. Levels of this hormone peak in the middle of the night, and decrease rapidly when you are exposed to light[1]. Changing levels of melatonin in your body help regulate … Learn More
Cortisol and the Endless Summer
“Cortisol” has become a buzz word among the sleep deprived, the overweight and the WebMD user. The adrenal glands produce this hormone as a response to stress. If your stress is immediate, as in “that car just cut me off and I almost died” or as it was for our ancestors, “a saber tooth tiger is chasing … Learn More