(Updated June 26, 2020) While the majority of people have no reason to fear any sort of a virus, we wanted to provide you with some resources, practical tips and protocols, preventative measures and foundational wisdom that you can easily implement to help support your immune system. As more research has been done, we have also added additional support strategies to reflect the unique dangers and disease progression of COVID-19. Please read through to the bottom for the most updated recommendations.
Here is the wisdom we know about fighting a virus:
1. A healthy diet makes a healthy body, and a healthy body is our best defense.
Instead of thinking that you have an immune system, a more appropriate perspective is that you ARE an immune system, or rather that your whole body is an immune alliance. By supporting important organ systems in your body, you support your holistic defense system:
- Gut Health – Your intestinal immune system (GALT) contains more immune cells than any other organ in your body. Include daily homemade bone broth and lacto-fermented veggies in your diet to keep the intestinal environment strong. Avoid processed food and refined grains and sugars that weaken this system.
- Adrenal Support – Not only is the stress and panic more taxing on the adrenals, but strong adrenals are essential to a quick and effective immune response. Prioritize stress management techniques, restful sleep, and maintaining a strong blood sugar balance to keep your adrenals strong.
- Liver Detox – Continuing to keep your liver healthy will lessen the overall toxic burden in your body, which allows the immune system to stay healthy and focused on the real enemy – pathogenic invaders like this novel virus. Drink beet kvass daily and continue weekly castor oil packs and/or coffee enemas to keep your liver strong.
2. Calcium
- While vitamin C is commonly considered the primary immune nutrient, it cannot work effectively against viruses without calcium. We must have adequate calcium in our tissues to mount a strong immune response to viruses. Raw and cultured dairy, bone broth and dark green leafy veggies provide the most bioavailable sources of calcium.
3. Good Hygiene
- Wash Your Hands – Washing with soap and water is a good place to start, but hand sanitizers with over 60% alcohol are great alternatives when you are out and about. We also like these brands: EO Hand Sanitizer, doTERRA Sanitizing Mist or make your own with this recipe.
- Keep Surfaces Clean – Virus may remain viable for hours to days on a variety of surfaces. We love Branch Basics as a safe cleaning option.
- Keep the Air Clean – Because some viruses may spread through the air, it’s important to keep your air clean. We recommend the Austin Air Purifier because it includes a HEPA filter that’s similar to the approved N95 respirator face masks being used by healthcare workers. It can be purchased through our office.
Here are our tools to fight a virus:
All of the following tools are available through our office.
General Wellness
- Adrenal and Immune Support – We love Adrenal Tonic or Cataplex ACP as dual purpose supplements.
- Probiotic – We carry Just Thrive, Klaire Labs, HMF Forte as well as probiotics for infants and children.
- Cod Liver Oil – We carry Green Pastures and Standard Process.
Immune Support
- General Immune Support – Immuplex, 2-4 per day
- Viral Immune Support – Cataplex C, Calcium Lactate, and Cataplex F
- Acute Immune Support – Congaplex and Andrographis
- Acute Viral Support – Add either Viranon or St. John’s Wort to the above protocol.
- Contact your doctor or call the office to set up a free 10-minute consultation to discuss the products and doses appropriate for you.
Other Tools
- Sauna – Mimics fever state and helps remove toxins that burden the immune system.
- Arsenicum – Dr. Louisa Williams’ recommendation for a homeopathic tool.
When looking specifically at COVID-19, we recommend implementing the above tips and tools. Additionally, here are some facts that are important to note:
- COVID is a viral pandemic (WHO).
- The majority of cases are mild (80.9% only report mild, flu like symptoms – ref China CDC).
- The majority of people recover (3.7% mortality rate of total worldwide confirmed cases – ref John’s Hopkins).
- Those aged 60+ or older, especially with preexisting conditions are most at risk (ref China CDC).
- While the majority of us have no reason to fear the virus, it is our duty as healthy members of the community to respect the preventive measure guidelines and practice good hygiene and social distancing to better protect the members of our community that are at higher risk.
Here are our tools to fight COVID-19:
(The products listed can be ordered through our office.)
COVID-19 presents some unique challenges, and so here are the unique strategies we recommend implementing to support the body beyond our standard immune support.
Exposure Risk
Exposure risk is higher than a common virus due to carriers that may not present symptoms. We know it can be spread for days before the infected person knows they are sick, and there are many cases of carriers that remain asymptomatic during their infection. If the infected carrier doesn’t know they are sick, they may continue to go about their normal routine, exposing others unknowingly.
For general immune support, we recommend:
- Immuplex – 2 per day
- Probiotic
- Cod Liver Oil
- Healthy diet, healthy adrenals, healthy lifestyle
**It’s important to address any underlying inflammatory issues!
For those that have higher exposure to individuals outside of their immediate household, add the following to the above protocol to increase immune support:
- Immuplex, 2 BID*
- Thorne NAC, 2 BID*
Infection of COVID-19 contributes to “potassium wasting.” This may lead to hypokalemia, which can increase inflammation and make it harder for your body to fight off the infection.
If you believe you have COVID-19, we recommend continuing the above support and adding the following products:
- Andrographis Complex, 3 QID* (or 10-15/day divided)
- Thorne Potassium, 2 QID*
- Berberine, 1 BID*
Some people experience increased inflammation during their COVID-19 infection. Fighting a virus inherently requires the body to up-regulate at least some level of inflammation, but with COVID-19 this inflammation is unchecked and can be dangerous. The difficulty is that immune support and anti-inflammatory support often work against each other.
A doctor should be monitoring your case closely for signs that you have moved from the infection phase into the inflammatory phase. If you recover from the infection phase on your own, it is still recommended to follow the protocol below during recovery to help reduce the likelihood of relapsing into the inflammatory phase and to help prevent other post-infection complications.
Inflammation & Recovery
Stop the above protocol and change to the following:
- Immuplex 2 BID*
- Thorne NAC, 2 QID*
- Andrographis 2 TID*
- Potassium 2 QID*
- Pure Radiance Vitamin C to bowel tolerance
- Boswellia, 2 BID*
- Turmeric 1:1, 1 tsp TID*
- BID – twice a day
- TID – three times a day
- QID – four times a day
We’d love to support you and your immune system’s ability to fight a virus. Please give us a call at 858.259.6000 for a 10-minute complimentary consult to see how we can help you through high quality nutritional support and supplementation.
This information is not medical advice or takes the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Consult your own doctors or other qualified health professional regarding the treatment of your medical problems. Those taking prescription medications should consult with their physicians and not take themselves off of medicines to start supplementation without the proper supervision of a physician familiar with nutritional supplementation.
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