Tag Archives: Detox
4 Causes of Inflammation + Practical Ways to Stop “Fueling the Fire”
While inflammation can easily be overlooked as just a buzz word in the health and wellness world, its signs and symptoms can be important red flags for you to pause and look for a deeper issue. So, what is inflammation? Simply put, it’s the body’s protective response against any sort of illness or infection. Since inflammation can … Learn More
Tagged acute, allergy, autoimmune, cholesterol, chronic, Detox, diabetes, diet, disease, environment, fatigue, fibromyalgia, inflammation, injury, nutrition, prescription, stress, toxic, toxin
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Cilantro Pesto Recipe
Move over basil and make way for cilantro! This pesto recipe uses cilantro and not only tastes amazing on pastured beef, lamb, poultry, wild caught fish and veggies, but it’s also a gentle food-based way to detoxify from toxic metals. Cilantro is not just a culinary staple, but it has long been touted for its … Learn More
Coffee Enema History and Instructions
Enemas are one of the oldest medical treatments known to man. The oldest known medical text, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus (1,500 B.C.), records the use of enemas. Enemas were in use throughout the ancient world in Samaria, Babylonia, India, Greece, Africa and China. Greek literature is filled with references of the therapeutic use of enemas. … Learn More
The Benefits of Sauna Therapy
The use of the sauna therapy dates back to ancient Rome. Of the Roman saunas, Sidney Licht writes “Although the baths were used largely for cleansing and pleasure, physicians did prescribe the various forms of available heat for hygiene and in illness.” The Finns understood the healing power of saunas as early as 1112. There … Learn More
Tagged Detox, fight, flight, infrared, parasympathetic, sauna, skin, stress, sympathetic, therapy
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Beet Kvass the Ultimate Tonic
There’s a lot of buzz these days about superfoods. But have you ever found it puzzling that most of what’s being touted as “superfoods” come packaged in plastic containers? An ideal superfood is actually nutrient-dense real food. So let’s talk about beet kvass, the ultimate super tonic. Beet kvass is a probiotic, a liver tonic and … Learn More
Castor Oil Pack Detox
A castor oil pack is a simple and beneficial way to detox. The castor bean (Oleum ricini) is known principally as a cathartic (strong laxative). As a pack is placed over the abdomen, usually with heat applied, the oil is absorbed into the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), which is a part of the mucosa-associated lymphoid … Learn More